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Bestselling E-liquid Brands 2024
During 2024, certain e-liquid brands have really managed to stand out from the crowd in terms of sales figures. In this blog post, we take a closer look at the five best-selling brands.
Guide: How a Pod Vape Works
If you are not sure how a pod vape works, in this post we will explain to you how an electronic cigarette works and what you should think about before and after you get your e-cig.
Does your e-cig taste burnt? Here you get information!
Do you experience a burnt taste in your vape? In this post, we will go through why your e-cig tastes burnt and advise on the best tricks to prevent and counter the fact that your e-cig tastes burnt.
Guide: How does a vape work?
Have you wondered how an e-cigarette works? In this post, we explain what goes in to a e-cigg and an give an overview of the product.
What is Sub Ohm?
Are you wondering what sub ohm is? In this blog post, we explain what sub ohm is and touch on its advantages and disadvantages.
Elf Bar now att!
Elf Bar has come to cigge. We're hyped, as we think you will be too! Read a little more about the specs and the flavors here!
What E-Liquid should I choose?
If you are not sure which e-liquid to choose, then you're in luck! In this post you will get all the information you need so that you know which e-liquid to choose, there are a few things to consider so that you can maximize your vaping experience with the right features.
What is the difference between a high VG and high PG E-juice? Can I mix different liquids with different VG/PG? Cigge sorts it out!