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Customer Support.

When you need help or have questions about your e-ciggarette, e-juice, snus or general questions about your order online, you can always contact our Customer Support. We will be here at your service by email, phone or you are always welcome visit one of our stores to get direct help.


We are there for you whatever your questions are. What we here at care about is our customers and their experience, we always aim to please in the best way we can. We try to respond to all emails within 24h, but 48h would be the longest time expected. So please remember we aim to please and want to help you out in the best way possible. We are here for you and any questions that you may have queries about. Don't hesitate to either call us or email us so we can give you the support you deserve from our experienced staff!


Call us on +46(0)243-20 2014
Email us at


Opening hours for support.

Monday-Fri 10.00-16.00 Phone & Email