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Zafari nicotine pouches with low nicotine content but made with strong aromas!
The tobacco-free nicotine pouches are made with the absolute best aromas so that the pouches deliver a satisfactory flow with a rich flavor distribution. The pouches are created with a low nicotine content and are a suitable choice if you want to stop using tobacco.

With the nicotine pouches from Zafari, you skip all the disadvantages that tobacco entails and you get a fresher and healthier alternative to tobacco products. The pouches are also slim and add a discreet and comfortable experience as the pouches are elongated and do not push out the lip as much as other products do.

To use the nicotine pouches, you put the pouch under the lip, just as you do with regular snus and the pouch lasts up to 30-45 minutes, when the taste diminishes, you put the pouch in the lid of the can.

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