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Yoyo nikotinpåsar

YoYo is a newly launched brand and focuses on creating high-quality nicotine pouches with different flavors, at the moment you can choose over five flavors.

Trendy and compact cans

The YoYo pouches come packaged in a trendy and compact box and are packed with 20 tasty nicotine pouches. The bags have different colors and they depend on the aromas that the pouches are mixed with and discolour, but be calm, these all white pouches do not discolor the teeth as ordinary tobacco snus has a tendency to do.

The nicotine content differs between the three products

The nicotine content also differs between the three nicotine pouches, the weakest pouch has a nicotine content of 9mg per gram and the strongest has a content of 15mg per gram and gives the user a pleasant nicotine experience.

The pouches come in a slim format

The YoYo nicotine pouches are made in a slim format and are much appreciated as they give a discreet and comfortable feeling under the lip, in connection with the bags being slim, you get a long taste & nicotine release.

YoYo takes pride in its natural flavors

YoYo is very proud to present a tobacco-free all white snus that is created with natural flavors, once you have tried these tasty nicotine pouches, you will notice that it is a high quality product with good taste and nicotine release.

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