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Nicotine-free pouches from XQS

XQS is a brand that produces snus that contains neither nicotine nor tobacco and creates their tobacco-free snus from raw materials that mainly come from plants, and XQS strives to create their snus entirely from natural raw materials. Nicotine-free snus from XQS is a suitable choice for you if you want to stop using snus completely.

Do you want to be free from tobacco & nicotine?

If you are a tobacco snus user but you want to be free from nicotine and tobacco, XQS offers products that are completely free of nicotine & tobacco, XQS also offers the only nicotine-free & tobacco-free loose snus on the market, if you prefer portion snus there are different flavors such as licorice or fresh menthol. If you are trying nicotine-free snus for the first time, you will be pleasantly surprised.

XQS now offers tobacco-free nicotine pouches

In 2020, XQS has created five nicotine pouches with rich and distinct flavor profiles. The nicotine pouches are part of the new All-White concept, which means that the pouch does not contain tobacco and is pure white, the pouches do not discolour the teeth as ordinary tobacco snus does.

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XQS Tropical Functional Pouches
New Energy bags from XQS
50mg Caffeine - Nicotine-free
Tropical fruits
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€3.99/ pcs €3.49/ pcs €3.29/ pcs
XQS Black Cherry Functional Pouches
New Energy bags from XQS
50mg Caffeine - Nicotine-free
Dark cherries
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€3.99/ pcs €3.49/ pcs €3.29/ pcs
XQS Blueberry Mint Functional Pouches
New Energy bags from XQS
50mg Caffeine - Nicotine-free
Blueberry & Mint
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€3.99/ pcs €3.49/ pcs €3.29/ pcs