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VID Hot Pineapple Strong All White Portion
Nicotine pouches from VID with a strong flavor of chili blended with notes of pineapple
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10+
€3.99/ pcs €3.49/ pcs
VID Spicy Orange Strong All White Portion
Nicotine pouches from VID with a strong flavor of chili and orange
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10+
€3.99/ pcs €3.49/ pcs
VID Vanilla Pear Strong All White Portion
Nicotine pouches from VID with a distinct pear flavor and notes of vanilla
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10+
€3.99/ pcs €3.49/ pcs
VID Chili Chocolate Strong All White Portion
Nicotine pouches from VID with a strong flavor of chili mixed with notes of chocolate
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10+
€3.99/ pcs €3.49/ pcs
VID Coffee caramel All White Portion
Nicotine pouches from VID with a rich coffee flavor blending with vanilla and caramel
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10+
€3.99/ pcs €3.49/ pcs
VID Cola Sour Strong All White Portion
Nicotine pouches from VID with a distinct cola flavor
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10+
€3.99/ pcs €3.49/ pcs
VID watermelon All White Portion
Nicotine pouches from VID with a rich watermelon flavor
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10+
€3.99/ pcs €3.49/ pcs
VID Blueberry Strong All White Portion
Nicotine pouches from VID with a blueberry flavor
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10+
€3.99/ pcs €3.49/ pcs
VID Coffee Caramel Strong All White Portion
Nicotine pouches from VID with a stronger nicotine content. Flavors of coffee and vanill...
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10+
€3.99/ pcs €3.49/ pcs