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Tropic King

Nicsalt e-liquid from Drip More with tropical flavor profiles! A suitable choice if you prefer e-liquid that has a juicy and fruity taste profile. In our range, we can offer three e-juice flavors that are created with tasty aromas that result in a fantastic MTL vaping experience.

Drip More has created several different e-juice lines with different flavors, you will find the other nicsalt lines below:

  • Candy King - Nicsalt e-liquid with a focus on candy flavors
  • Tobac King - Nicsalt e-liquid with a focus on tobacco flavors

The Tropic King e-liquids have a nicotine content of 20mg and come in a 10ml bottle, the e-juice provides a satisfying nicotine and taste experience. The e-liquid is highly recommended for MTL vaping, which means that the e-cigarettes the e-liquids are used for have a low power, for example between 10-30 watts.

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