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Supergood E-liquid

We present two e-liquid lines from Supergood!
Supergood has mixed two pieces of absolutely fantastic e-juice lines, one line focuses on popular cocktail drinks and the other focuses on desserts, Supergood has as its name suggests a super good taste and gives the vaper a fantastic taste experience.

The e-liquids from Supergood are completely nicotine-free and are adapted for a 10ml nicshot if you want nicotine for their e-liquid. Both lines from Supergood have a VG70 / PG30 rotation and are suitable for e-cigarettes that run on high power (60+) watts and higher to get the full flavor profile.

Supergood e-liquid is made of high quality aromas and has quickly become very popular with our customers, in short, highly appreciated e-liquids.

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