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Steam Quest

Steam Quest E-liquid

From the manufacturers of Steam Quest, we now present a new addition to our e-liquid shelves. Now the popular and tasty e-liquids from Steam Quest are available in our stores and in our web shop.

At the moment, we can offer four flavors from Steam Quest with different flavor combinations, the e-liquids are mostly focused on fruity flavors, where the taste of dragon fruit is constantly present.

What flavors from Steam Quest e-liquid can I choose?

From the range from Steam Quest, you can choose between four different e-liquids with different flavor combinations. Below you can see the flavor profiles:

  • Green Dragon (Dragon Fruit, Kiwi, Pear)
  • Red Dragon (Dragon Fruit, Strawberry, Raspberry)
  • Yellow Dragon (Dragon Fruit, Lemon)
  • Blue Dragon (Dragon Fruit, Blueberry)

How much does a bottle of Steam Quest e-liquid cost?

A bottle of e-liquid from Steam Quest costs 19.99 euro, we also offer a discounted price if you buy several, the price of the easels can be found inside the product.

Does the e-liquid from Steam Quest contain nicotine?

The e-liquids are completely nicotine-free and contain only Vegetable glycerin, Propylene glycol and various aromas for the e-liquid to be flavored.

Can I add nicotine to the e-liquid?

Adding nicotine to the e-liquid is possible. The bottles are so-called Shortfill bottles, which means that the bottle is not filled to the top but to 50ml out of 60ml so that there is room for the user to add nicotine.

How many nicshots should I mix in the e-liquid?

It depends on which nicotine strength you want to achieve, if you pour in a 10ml, 18mg nicotine shot in your ejuice you will get a 3mg 60ml e juice, if you want a 6mg e juice then you have to remove 10ml ejuice and add two nicshots instead of one nic shot.

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