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Snö nicotine pouches

Snö presents four new and tobacco-free nicotine pouches that come in a 100% recyclable packaging and are the environmentally smart alternative for the environmentally conscious snus user. The packaging can be reused up to 8 times before it is discarded for good.

Natural and rich taste

Snö offers four different nicotine bags with various flavors that give a natural and rich taste experience, in the range from Snö nicotine bags you will find flavors such as Cinnamon, Mint & Evergreen and the Chili protruder which does not really have a taste but instead gives the sensation of spicy chili that gives a stinging experience.

Bye Bye Plastic!

Snö is an environmentally conscious company and has chosen to skip the plastic to package their nicotine pouches. The company has researched that more than 270 million plastic cans are thrown away and only a small fraction of the snus cans are reused.

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