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Oxva is also one of the fastest growing e-cig brands on the market. With a well-developed and innovative e-cigarettes, they have quickly become a challenger to the big giants. OXVA, which means and stands for "OX" (powerful and reliable working animal) and "VA" (first half of vape)

They keep a clear vision for their products and the ability to use the same pod in several devices, which is not something that is unique, but well thought out and appreciated.

Currently Oxva offers pod system / MTL - strong kit, but we will soon be able to offer new products from Oxva

  • Also Xlim SE
  • Oxva Xlim V2
  • Also Xlim Pods

Oxva - Products for Europe

Oxva has a clear line to launch and offer products to Sweden and Europe with the absolute highest quality - products whose materials have been tested according to laws and regulations for Europe.

Read more about Oxva
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Oxva Xlim V3 Cartridge (Pods, Topfill)
Oxva pods 3-pack
Fits V2, PRO & SE
€14.89/ pcs
OXVA Xlim GO Vape Kit
News from OXVA!
1000mAh built-in battery
Compatible with MTL/DTL vaping
€19.90/ pcs
Oxva Xlim PRO Pod Vape Kit
Two pods included
Compatible with all oxva pods.
€39.90/ pcs
OXVA Xlim V2 Pod Vape KIt
2ml Fluid capacity
Adjustable airflow
€33.90/ pcs
Oxva Xlim SE Vape Kit
Easy first vape
€24.90/ pcs
Oxva Xlim V2 & SE Cartridge
Pods belonging to OXVA V2
3 different resistance
€14.90/ pcs