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Nicotine pouches with different flavors from on!
on! offers users around Europe a tasteful selection of nicotine pouches with different classic flavors. The Nicotine pouches are available in two different nicotine levels - 3mg & 6mg if you prefer a slightly stronger nicotine pouch.

The pouches have a dry surface and give a long lasting taste and nicotine release, the nicotine pouches also give the user a discreet feeling because the pouches come in mini format and are comfortably under the lip.

Choose from four tasty nicotine pouches from on!

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Nicotine dose
on! Lemon Berry All White Portion
Flavours of berry and lemon
3mg & 6mg per pouch
9mg & 19mg per / g
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€4.99/ pcs €3.99/ pcs €3.79/ pcs
on! Tropical Spice Pouches
on! Tropical spice is a completely all white snus free from tobacco
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€4.99/ pcs €3.99/ pcs €3.79/ pcs
on! Coffee Mini Pouches
Tobacco-free mini nicotine pouches with a rich taste of coffee, short taste release
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€4.99/ pcs €3.99/ pcs €3.79/ pcs
on! Licorice Mini Pouches
Tobacco-free mini nicotine pouches with a rich taste of licorice, short taste release
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€4.99/ pcs €3.99/ pcs €3.79/ pcs
on! Berry Pouches
on! Tobacco free nicotine pouch with a flavour of berries
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€4.99/ pcs €3.99/ pcs €3.79/ pcs
on! Mint Mini Pouches
Tobacco-free mini nicotine pouches with a short flavor release and rich taste of mint
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€4.99/ pcs €3.99/ pcs €3.79/ pcs
on! Grapefruit Spritz All White Portion
Flavours of Citrus & Grapefruit
3mg & 6mg per pouch
9mg & 19mg per / g
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€4.99/ pcs €3.99/ pcs €3.79/ pcs
on! Spearmint Pouches
on! Spearmint is an all white snus free of tobacco
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€4.99/ pcs €3.99/ pcs €3.79/ pcs