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Nixs - flavorful nicotine pouches created without tobacco
Nixs presents six pieces of nicotine pouches with different flavor profiles, choose from one of the best nicotine pouches with flavoring at favorable prices!

The nicotine pouches from Nixs are created from the best aromas to ensure that its users get the best taste experience, the pouches from Nixs have a soft texture and have a quick flavor & nicotine release.

The nicotine bags have a nicotine content of 8mg / g and provide a pleasant nicotine experience, choose your favorite flavor and enjoy.

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Nicotine dose
Nixs North Ice -66 All White Portion
Ice-cold nicotine pouches from Nixs with a cool taste of refreshing mint
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€4.79/ pcs €4.49/ pcs €4.29/ pcs