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Konceptxix e-juice

From the creators of Vampire Vape we present one of their line - KonceptXIX!
The e-liquids in KonceptXIX in our range currently consists of three of their most popular flavors.

KonceptXIX has a high VG content (80VG / 20PG) which greatly enhances the taste of the e-liquid and we recommend this e-liquid for electronic cigarettes that can be run at high power (60+) watts.

The e-liquid from KonceptXIX comes in shortfill bottles and is completely nicotine-free, if you want nicotine for your KonceptXIX e-liquid you buy nicshots and add in the bottle which is adapted for a piece of 10ml nicotine shot, the nicotine potency results in 3mg or slightly more on whether to mix an 18mg or 20mg nicotine shot.

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Volume (ml)
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