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KickUp is one of the most popular tobacco & nicotine-free snus brands on the market. In the range of tobacco-free & nicotine-free pouches, KickUp offers five different flavors to users around the Nordic region. The pouches also contain vitamins that can make you feel alert and active, inside the product descriptions you get information about which vitamins the pouches contain.

NOTE! KickUp contains ginseng. Snus associated with breastfeeding or pregnancy should therefore be avoided.

KickUp is an ideal product if you plan to quit with tobacco & nicotine or quit smoking tobacco cigarettes.

Have a look at our entire range of tobacco-free nicotine pouches

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Strong - KickUp
Tobacco free & nicotine free snuff from KickUp
1-9 pcs 10+
€2.99/ pcs €2.69/ pcs
Real White - KickUp
Tobacco free & nicotine free pouches from KickUp
1-9 pcs 10+
€2.99/ pcs €2.69/ pcs
KickUp Mixpack (5-Pack)
Mixpack from Kickup
Choose from 5 flavors
€14.95/ pcs
Original Portion - KickUp
Tobacco free & nicotine free snuff from KickUp
1-9 pcs 10+
€2.99/ pcs €2.69/ pcs
Real White Soft Mint Slim - KickUp
Tobacco free & nicotine free snuff from KickUp
1-9 pcs 10+
€2.99/ pcs €2.69/ pcs