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General is a popular Swedish snus brand. In fact, it’s so popular that it is often named as the defining snus brand in Sweden. The brand was first manufactured back in 1866 and has had an exemplary record since then. General Snus has moved with the times and now offers discreet nicotine pouches as an alternative to smoking and tobacco-stained teeth. What’s truly great about these products is that their smokelessness enables them to be used anywhere. The General snus products are hugely popular thanks to their history and offers a range of strengths, flavours and sizes to ensure there’s something for everyone.

General Products

General products are available in a wide variety of options including a number of different flavours. These range from cool mint, chilly peppermint through to a fizzy citrus option and even a spicy ginger blood orange flavour! Once you’ve chosen the flavour you prefer, it’s time to select a strength. This is really easy to do as each of the General products are labelled with strength indicators from 1 through to 4. These can be found on the package itself with four being the Extra Strong option so you can select the perfect General all white snus pouch.

Not only can you choose the flavour and strength, but you can also choose the size of the pouches too. General offers pouches in both regular and slim, the latter enabling you to slide that pouch under your lip even more discreetly! Each General product also has a range of nicotine levels and moisture content (remember that white snus tends to be drier than its tobacco counterpart), and all this information is available at when you click more information on each product. No matter which option you choose though, all are carefully packed in tins to ensure clean and easy use.

How snus began

The Swedish aristocracy developed snus back in the 16th Century and as a consequence, farmers started to mass-produce tobacco. Despite this, the more popular consumption of snus wasn’t until much later on, in fact only occurring after the French Revolution had ended. The trade of snus took a second hit in the aftermath of World War II, as smoking became a more popular pastime, but since then, snus has been on the rise once more - especially due to research showing the unhealthy side effects of smoking.

  • Snus is most popular in Scandinavia
  • Snus was developed in the 16th Century
  • Popularity of snus is growing

Why use all white snus?

Many places around the world, smoking tobacco is frowned upon, with more countries implementing bans and encouraging the practice to be reduced. With this in mind, snus provides an exciting alternative, particularly with regards to all white snus products. These latter products contain nicotine (for that hit), but no tobacco. It’s also significantly more discreet and cleaner to use. The lack of tobacco means there’s a lower risk to consumers, and it can be enjoyed on a more frequent basis. Even better, there are different flavours available - perfect for individual choices to be made.

Why choose General snus?

General is one of the oldest snus companies in Sweden and comes under the umbrella brand, Swedish Match. As the company is based in Sweden, they strictly adhere to all the rules and regulations put in place by that country. In this case, it means that any additives must be food-grade only. Additionally, the brand ensures that top-level hygiene controls are in place throughout the production of their snus pouches, something that is tracked by Swedish Match itself to guarantee top quality.

One of the highlights of General snus is that their products are the result of continuous product development. Each new development in their products ensures better quality, slimmer pouches, less drop and higher nicotine content and delivery. For instance, the G3 series already had 20% less drip and 30% more nicotine than the previous series. In order to keep you up-to-date with the best products, we actually offer you G4 products from General, ensuring that you have access to nothing but the very best snus experience.

Using for your snus products

Here at we take our customers’ health very seriously. To that end, we offer tobacco-free products and have done since 2006. Initially, we were a small business but soon developed into an all-round store shipping worldwide. By offering our tobacco-free, healthier alternative to our customers, we aim to provide nothing but the best products and experience. We also strive to ensure we provide great customer satisfaction and service to all who visit us. To make it easier, we have both online and land-based stores where customers can purchase tobacco-free General snus products.

To meet demand, we stock a growing range of General products. This means that whatever type of snus flavour, packaging, type or strength, there’s definitely going to be something that matches your needs. It’s also a good idea to have a look in our “New Products” section as we do add new items. What’s even better about is we have low prices coupled with speedy deliveries. We also aim to offer a wide range of General pouches and products so that getting what you want is fast and straightforward. If you can’t find what you want, simply get in touch with us!

Getting your hands on General Snus

Unlike Snus, tobacco-free products like all white pouches can be sold online to EU countries. So we can quickly deliver high quality, long-lasting nicotine General pouches at the best prices. To look for the perfect General product, all you need to do is head to our “Brands” section and choose General. Here you will find info on each of the General products we stock and by clicking on the product you can add it to your cart, completing the purchase in checkout. You can then rate what you’ve tasted to help others find their favourite General nicotine pouch too. The 21st century belongs to brands who can also support a tobacco-free culture - are you on board?

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XR General Slim All White Portion
Nicotine Pouches from well known brand General
9.3mg/g nicotine
Not available for Norway
1-9 pcs 10-19 pcs 20+
€4.99/ pcs €4.49/ pcs €4.29/ pcs