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Dr Vapes

Dr Vapes E-liquid

Tasty e-liquids with a distinct taste of black currants - Dr. Vapes!
Dr Vapes offers three different flavors but they all have something in common, they have a rich aroma of black currants! The e-liquids are also mixed with other flavor-rich aromas that give the e-liquid an acidic and fruity taste experience.

Dr Vape's e-liquids are mixed with a strange VG / PG rotation you may think, but if you look at it in a different way, the mixologists at Dr Vapes have refined the VG / PG rotation to make the taste experience perfect, the e-liquid from Dr Vapes will not disappoint you!

The e-liquids are completely nicotine-free and are adapted for a 10ml nicshot if you want nicotine for your e-liquid then you buy a so-called nicshot and mix in the e-liquid.

Dr Vapes is available as a 2-pack which gives you a better price, ideal if you want to order e-liquid in larger volume.

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