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Cloud Candy

Let us present one of our range of British e-liquid with rich fruity and candy aromas!
Cloud Candy is a given choice if you are looking for e-liquids in larger volumes with hints of sweets and fruit. We can proudly present five e-liquids from Cloud Candy that have been tested and selected by us at cigge.

The e-liquids from Cloud Candy come in a 120ml shortfill bottle and are filled to 100ml so that there is room for the consumer to add nicotine to their e-liquid.
To achieve a nicotine content of 1.5mg, you add a 10ml nicotine shot, to get a nicotine content of 3mg, you add two 10ml nicotine shots in the e-juice.

We highly recommend this vape juice for Sub-ohm e-cigarettes to get the best vaping experience.

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