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Cali e-liquid

From the makers of Nasty Juice, we present one of their fruity line - Cali!
With a clear taste of juicy and exotic fruits, Cali offers the vaper three different fruity flavors with different notes. Cali E-liquid is a suitable choice for the vaper looking for a fruity e-liquid.

Cali has a VG / PG rotation of 70/30 and is suitable for DTL e-cigarettes. Cali also comes in shortfill bottles and is completely nicotine free, if you want nicotine for your Cali e-liquid you can buy a nic shot and mix in the bottle with a simple method called "Shake n Vape". Cali e-liquids are adapted for a 10ml nicotine shots and the end result of mixing in a 10ml nicotine shot will be about 3mg depending on whether you mix in 18mg or 20mg nicotine.

Cali E-liquid is much appreciated by our customers, the e-liquid is abit cheaper than other shortfill e-liquids, but still holds a very high quality and gives the vaper a tasty vape experience.

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Volume (ml)
Adapted for
Double Melon (Shortfill) - Cali
Flavor: Fresh honey melon, Juicy watermelon
VG 70% / PG 30%.
Shake 'n Vape (0mg)
€15.99/ pcs
Pine Dew (Shortfill) - Cali
Flavor: Juicy pineapple, Honey melon
VG 70% / PG 30%.
Shake 'n Vape (0mg)
60ml (Fille...
€8.99/ pcs
Straw Kiwi (Shortfill) - Cali
Flavor: Sweet strawberries, Fresh kiwi
VG 70% / PG 30%.
Shake 'n Vape (0mg)
60ml (Fil...
€8.99/ pcs