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Alien Fuel

Alien Fuel E-liquid

Another line from Wanted Liquids - Alien Fuel!
Alien Fuel consists of six good flavors with a focus on fruit. The e-liquids have a mixed taste profile but we can guarantee that you will find what you are looking for!

Alien Fuel is designed for e cigarettes that can handle high watts, we strongly recommend that you vape this e-liquid over 60+ watts to get the full flavor profile. Alien Fuel is completely nicotine-free and is adapted to allow the vaper to add a 10ml nicshot, the end result being 3mg or slightly higher depending on whether you mix an 18mg or 20mg nicotine shot to the e-liquid.

Alien Fuel has a lower price than other shortfill e-liquids but keeps a high quality and is created from high quality aromas and gives you a solid taste experience. The e-liquid has a VG70 / PG30 rotation and the e-liquid is manufactured in Sweden.

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