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ZYN Citrus Mini Dry Portion, 3mg
ZYN Citrus Mini Dry Portion, 3mg
ZYN Citrus Mini Dry Portion, 3mg
ZYN Citrus Mini Dry Portion, 3mg
ZYN Citrus Mini Dry Portion, 3mg
ZYN Citrus Mini Dry Portion, 3mgZYN Citrus Mini Dry Portion, 3mgZYN Citrus Mini Dry Portion, 3mgZYN Citrus Mini Dry Portion, 3mgZYN Citrus Mini Dry Portion, 3mg

ZYN Citrus Mini Dry Portion, 3mg

Article nr: 100147
Buy 10 pcs or more for € 4.49 / pcs
Buy 20 pcs or more for € 4.29 / pcs
Not available for Norway
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Tobacco free nicotine pouches with a citrus taste, these pouches comes in two variants with different nicotine doses.

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