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XQS Twin Apple Slim Strong All White Portion
XQS Twin Apple Slim Strong All White Portion
XQS Twin Apple Slim Strong All White Portion
XQS Twin Apple Slim Strong All White PortionXQS Twin Apple Slim Strong All White PortionXQS Twin Apple Slim Strong All White Portion

XQS Twin Apple Slim Strong All White Portion

Article nr: 100528
Buy 10 pcs or more for € 4.49 / pcs
Not available for Norway
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Tobacco-free nicotine pouches from XQS with a juicy and fresh taste of green and red apples.

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  • Products in excess of 4 mg of nicotine per serving may be terminated at customs unless you have a valid authorization.

    Tobacco-free nicotine pouches from XQS 'new range of All White pouches. Twin Apple has a rich and juicy taste of fresh apples. Experience the juicy taste of a green apple and the rich aroma of a red apple combined in a nicotine pouch.

    Each can contains 20 nicotine nicotine pouches.


    Juicy green and red apples

    Nicotine content:

    16mg / g

    8mg per nicotine pouch

    About XQS

    XQS has previously only created tobacco- and nicotine-free products. In 2020, XQS has created five new nicotine pouches with rich and clear taste profiles.

    Flavor: Fruit
    Kind of snus: Tobacco free pouches
    Nicotine dose (mg / g): 16-20mg
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