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Voopoo PnP Pod 2ml / 4.5ml
Voopoo PnP Pod 2ml / 4.5ml

Voopoo PnP Pod 2ml / 4.5ml

Article nr: Voopoopnppod24
Voopoo 2 PnP Pods in two different choices 2ml / 4.5ml. Does not come with any Coils only PnP Pod
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  • Information
  • VooPoo PnP Pods 2pcs, you get the opportunity to choose between two sizes of pods. The pods are refillable and have an anti-leakage design, it does not come with coils.
    This product is perfect for you who wants to switch between E-Liquid, you can have both PnP pods filled with E-liquid, it is very easy to switch between the pods with the magnetic function container.

    What is included in the package?

    • 2st - VooPoo Pnp 2ml

    • 2st - VooPoo PnP Pod 4.5ml

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