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Velo Ice Cool Zero Nicotine
Velo Ice Cool Zero Nicotine

Velo Ice Cool Zero Nicotine

Article nr: 101279
Buy 10 pcs or more for € 3.49 / pcs
Buy 20 pcs or more for € 3.29 / pcs
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  • Information
  • The portions Cool Storm Zero from VELO are a nicotine-free alternative that combines the refreshing taste of menthol with a hint of peppermint. These portion pouches are made from plant fibers and have a dry and perforated surface, while the content remains moist.


    Fresh Menthol & Peppermint

    Nicotine Content:

    0mg / g

    Use nicotine-free snus if you want to quit snus

    Quitting snus with nicotine-free snus is a smart choice for those looking to break their nicotine addiction. Nicotine-free snus products, such as VELO Cool Storm Zero, still provide the liberating feeling of using snus without the nicotine effects. By choosing nicotine-free snus, you can gradually reduce your cravings for nicotine and simplify your journey towards a snus-free life.

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