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Pinkman Flavor Concentrate 30ml - Vampire Vape
Pinkman Flavor Concentrate 30ml - Vampire Vape

Pinkman Flavor Concentrate 30ml - Vampire Vape

Article nr: 107288
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Flavor concentrate from Vampire Vape in a 30ml bottle, rich taste of various exotic fruits

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1-2 working days
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  • Fast deliveries
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  • Information
  • Pinkman 30ml flavor concentrate from Vampire Vape. Pinkman is flavored with various fruity aromas that together create a juicy and tasty experience, the aroma works to mix with other aromas.

    NOTE! The flavor concentrate must be mixed with base liquid that is used to create your own e-liquid


    Exotic fruits


    30ml flavor concentrate

    Recommended amount

    We recommend mixing 15-20% from the contents of the bottle, mixing more or less depending on how strong you want the flavor to be.

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